Introducing Mogrify – Dani

Ever wanted to be a fly-on-the-wall of the Mogrify office? Now’s your chance. Mostly we’ve got our heads down working hard, but our new blog series – Introducing Mogrify – gives us a chance to get up from our desks, answer a few questions and share a bit about what makes us tick.

Today we meet:

  • Dani Tillet
  • Senior Marketing Manager

What is your role at Mogrify?

I am a Senior Marketing Manager, looking after a variety of our tech customers from strategy through to execution in the B2B space.

How long have you been at Mogrify?

I started at the end of March 2019 so I have been here just over 3 months, but it feels like I have been here a lot longer.

What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

My role consists of doing things from customer WIP meetings, strategy planning, content ideation, SEO research, event planning, website wire-framing, to copy drafting, editing and design briefings, the list could go on. That is why I love marketing; every day is so varied.

What Mogrify value do you align with the most?


Working in the marketing industry for the past 15 years, I have unfortunately witnessed so much dishonesty, whether it’s white lies to customers to get out of a mess, internally between colleagues or brands lying to sell a product. I hate it.

I have so much respect for businesses and people that own their truths – the good, the bad and the ugly. We are living in a world where information is so easily accessible at the click of a button that anything but honesty will eventually trip you up.

What is your favourite thing about working at Mogrify?

I am always learning! From the talented team at Mogrify and from our customers. I have worked in marketing agencies since I was 19 and so my headspace has always been agency, projects and working with Marketing Managers but Mogrify operate from a business strategy perspective first working directly with the CEO’s of businesses which is interesting.

What made you choose Mogrify?

I knew my agency days were over when I chose to start a family. I absolutely loved working in agencies for big brands but a) working part time in agency land is NEVER part time b) 12-16-hour days 5 days a week just didn’t seem possible, especially when we have no family to support us in Australia.

When we moved to the Coast, I had almost resigned myself to the fact that my career in marketing was over and I would probably have to find a miserable admin role that would fit around mum life. I gave myself 3-4 months to find something and promised myself that at first, I would only apply to the roles I desperately wanted…within 2 weeks of updating my CV I had started at Mogrify.

Melanie and Thomas were so passionate about the unique business they had created which was so exciting to me, the interview went on for well over 2 hours and I felt like we could have stayed there chatting for even longer. I have learnt (the hard way) in my career that the biggest mistake you can make is choosing a job for the $$, the cool brands or the funky office space, instead every decision should be about the people and who you really want to work hard for, that is what drove me to choose Mogrify.

What makes you get out of bed every day?

Delivering great work for our customers. I’m at my happiest when I am working with customers that love what we do. I don’t think I could ever be one of those people that wakes up and goes into an environment that doesn’t make them happy, I must feel proud of what I am doing.

How would you describe Mogrify?

We are effectively a business’ internal marketing department and we work best when we are immersed in our customers’ organisations in this way. Everything we do is from a business perspective first and marketing is secondary to this. I love the fact that we aren’t afraid to say “hey, no need to spend your full $80k budget, we think you’ll only need $50k to achieve your objectives” it shows that we put our customers business commercials and goals first.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I’m rather passionate about good wine. And I don’t mean I love drinking it and becoming a woo girl on a Saturday night. I genuinely have a real passion for wines from around the world. Before I came to Australia, I thought that the wine over here was atrocious but I love exploring different wineries and I can now hold my hands up and say I was wrong.

What do you think your expertise is?

I have always naturally gravitated towards managing events throughout my career. I would say that putting on a great event from concept to execution covering everything from logistics to design is probably one of my speciality skillsets. Human engagement is important to me and I love the fact that faces can’t hide true reactions.

Tell us about your family

All my family live in the UK, and my family is huge! In Australia, it is just me, my fiancé John and our sassy little 14-month-old Sienna.

When you live in a country with no family, your friends become your rock. I moved to Australia on a whim in 2011 after meeting an Aussie called Wazza on a London tube by poking him, don’t ask me why, I haven’t poked anyone before or since, but I was obviously meant to meet him otherwise I wouldn’t be here. He has since moved back to England with his wife but will always be considered family.

What is something no one at Mogrify knows about you?

I’m a pretty open book to be fair. I really don’t hide much, though I probably should.

2010 was my year of the YES. And YES, it was as ridiculous as it sounds and yes, I said YES to EVERYTHING!! I honestly feel as though every living human should have a year of the yes (as long as they don’t have a partner, children, or responsibilities). It was so character building and life-changing, I met the best people in the world by putting my trust in them not being bad humans and as a result, I had an exciting year of adventure and fun.

What is one skill you wish you were better at?

Singing. I absolutely love music and can regularly be found in my car belting out a tune at the top of my lungs but my god I sound atrocious!

What is the last movie you saw?

Madagascar. I am now owned by a tiny human so all TV and movie choices revolve around the Wiggles and anything that can give me a break from the Wiggles allowing me to drink a cuppa in relative tranquillity.

If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?

I have so many places on my hit list! Bora Bora for the clear waters and relaxation or Africa for some adventure.

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