Introducing Mogrify – Francesca

Ever wanted to be a fly-on-the-wall of the Mogrify office? Now’s your chance. Mostly we’ve got our heads down working hard, but our new blog series – Introducing Mogrify – gives us a chance to get up from our desks, answer a few questions and share a bit about what makes us tick.

Today we meet

  • Francesca Roland
  • Editor & Copywriter

What is your role at Mogrify?

I am Mogrify’s in-house Editor and Copywriter.

What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I work with the team to create a variety of content for our clients. So it’s pretty much a certainty that I will be doing some form of copywriting! However, the type of copywriting and the focus varies a lot. One day I might be researching and writing about SQL Server Licensing for an e-book and later that day scripting an animated video for a membership management provider.

What Mogrify value do you align with the most?

Can I only pick one? I think maybe ‘Be Commercial’ because having worked in public relations and business development I think I have been trained to be quite commercially minded. But I also love ‘Think Team First’ because I think it is a very apt description of the Mogrify crew.

What is your favourite thing about working at Mogrify?

Mogrify has a very nurturing and caring environment. I love how there is not much of a hierarchy and everything is very collaborative. It always seems like ideas are welcomed and valued which makes for a really nice and happy space!

What made you choose Mogrify?

When I interviewed for my role, I really felt a strong alignment with the company’s values. The flexibility offered was also very attractive. It is difficult to find good part-time roles that truly understand work-life balance so the fact that Mogrify do was very appealing.

What makes you get out of bed every day?

I want to say something intelligent or profound but honestly – my five and three year olds.

How would you describe Mogrify?

Having worked with some of Mogrify’s clients I have worked on things like ‘modern workplace’. I definitely think Mogrify is a modern workplace – there is a lot of flexibility and collaboration. The team are also very honest and I think they have very strong and transparent relationships with clients. I think these two things combined make for a very positive and proactive marketing partner.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love spending time with my kids which is lucky because that’s largely what I do outside of work at the moment! But I am a big fan of the beach and bush walks – both of which there are a lot of on the Coast!

What do you think your expertise is?

I am definitely a confident writer. It’s something I love doing and it has also been a constant throughout my professional career. But I think my background has also set me up to be quite business-minded and strategic.

Tell us about your family

I am originally from the UK but am now the proud owner of an Aussie passport. I moved here in 2007 to complete my Masters at Sydney Uni and followed the uber-cliched path of falling in love with the (Aussie) boy next door and staying here forever! We now have two children who keep us on our toes. The rest of my family, my parents, two sisters and one brother, are now all based in London but at one point the six of us were living across four different continents!

What is something no one at Mogrify knows about you?

I was once on a children’s TV show in the UK called Jim’ll Fix It. This used to be a really awesome claim to fame in England until the host was convicted posthumously of multiple sex offences as part of Operation Yewtree.

What is one skill you wish you were better at?

What it the oppositive of being bi-lingual? Single-lingual? I am the only one of my siblings to not speak more than one language. I’d love to be able to speak another language.

What is the last movie you saw?

The new Lion King. It was better than I expected.

If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?

So many places! I went to Botswana and Mozambique in 2013 and would love to see more of Africa. I have also never been to America and I would love to go to New York – my bucket list includes seeing a live taping of Saturday Night Live at 30 Rock!

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